Friday, May 29, 2015

USO Show at Dade Battlefield Historic State Park, March, 2015

This event takes place at the Dade Battlefield Historic State every year over the first weekend of March.  It is put on for the benefit of the re-enactors and volunteers by volunteers during the WWII re-enactment weekend.  It is conducted on Saturday night and the Dade Lodge/Rec Hall is decorated with all sorts of art-deco and memorabilia. 
Here are some of the folks watching the entertainers, including Park Manager Bill Gruber.  To the left in the green sweater is one of 27 WWII veterans who attended the weekend's events.  Below are the horns section of the Pasco County High School Jazz Band, and they were terrific.  They played all evening and had quite a few tunes from the period.
Below, the crowd on Saturday awaiting the re-enators to bring on the show.  Each year two re-enactments are presented with German and American soldiers and it takes place in the village of Normandy, shortly before occupation and liberation of the communities in that area.  This is the only pic I took this year outside of the USO Show.  Hence, this blog is really about that show, and I was one of the participant volunteers of the show.
Above, Sue, Samantha and Shannon (aka the Andrew Sisters) practice their lines and below Nancy and volunteer Jim relaxing.
Above, Sue reading instructions to supervisors as to what to say and what not to say in the workplace to the women.  Below, Joyce, Cindy and Kristen preparing the goodies for the audience.
Below, the WWII vet and wife cutting-a-rug to the band's tune.
Park Manager Bill making an announcement...
Above, a volunteer and a re-enactor doing a slow-down dance...and below the evening's MC reading a report from the from lines or reading an ad from one of our sponsors.
Above, band members during the intermission and below, yours truly, reading a line from one of our dialogues...
Below, Paul, Paul & Steve doing their Abbott & Costello routine...
Above, Samantha doing Boogie-Woogie Boy and below, re-enactor Dennis and Shannon doing a slow dance...
Above, the WWII vet dancing with his wife and below me and Sue doing a George & Gracie routine.
Above Shannon doing her solo and below the Andrew Sisters do their Boogie Woogie Bugle Boy rendition.
Above, Paul, Dade Dade CSO President, WWII vets and Park Manager Bill and below, a vet enjoying the show.
Well, that about wraps up the blog on the USO show for 2015.  We hope to return to the Park next year for the show and wintering over.  But it looks doubtful :-( as of now.  So, till the next blog, Joe and Nancy, RVing Beach Bums signing off.  This blog written from March Field ARB in Riverside, CA on May 29, 2015.

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