Thursday, January 15, 2015

Christmas in Virginia Beach 2014

Christmas morning in our home in Virginia Beach with Natalie and her children Maile (16), Maxwell (7), Margaret (5), and Mason (3 1/2), and Omoni, Nat's boyfriend and Father to the three little ones...
Above, Mason & Maile, who appears to have just awakened, or was up late watching for Santa. :-)
Margie with a curious look on her face and Max trying to figure out what it is.  Below, Miss Nancy watching the excitement of the little ones.
Daddy reading a new adventure for Margie and Maile excitingly ready to explore yet another gift from Santa.
Daddy was busy cutting and untying little metal & plastic ties from around the many items attached to cardboard & plastic.  And below a pic that just about gets everyone in the frame.
I won't attempt to provide too many more captions to the pics, so I'll just post the pics, and add just a small commentary at a few places.
Looks like Maile has finally awakened fully...and, Grandma:  Does it smell good?
Well, maybe I spoke too soon about Maile being awake...Ah!  She awakes, below!
And Natalie bagging all the recyclable paper...
Margie, with a cute expression of joy, and Mason contemplating what to do, with what, and where...
Maxwell appears to be just pooped out and Margie is showing her newly opened gift from Santa.
Maile, above and her cache of smellies...and her street sign for her room...
Above, Natalie and her "quiver"; what a happy-go-lucky looking bunch.  And you know what?  They are.  Natalie is the energy that binds them together.  She is on the run from 6 to 11 every day.  We don't see how she does it.  Her and Jennifer both are very hard-working Mothers with seemingly endless energy.  
Well, that's Christmas 2015 with our families.  And that will do it for this blog.  Till the next blog, RVing Beach Bums signing off.  This blog published from Bushnell, FL, Jan 15, 2015.

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