Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, Cleveland, OH

It's Friday afternoon, Sept 26 and we are in Cleveland, Ohio.  
From their website:  The Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and Museum opened its doors in 1995 on the shores of Lake Erie in downtown Cleveland, Ohio.  Its mission is to educate visitors, fans and scholars from around the world about the history and continuing significance of rock and roll music. It carries out this mission through its operation of a world-class museum that collects, preserves, exhibits and interprets this art form and through its library and archives as well as its educational programs.
Once inside, the main lobby area is most interesting in that one has a nearly 360 degree view of the downtown area and the Lake Erie coastline.  Next door is the football stadium where the Browns play.
Above, from the parking lot down on the pier at the waterfront looking south to the Hall, and below, looking west from near the same place, Brown's Stadium.
Now for some of the pics we took inside the exhibit area.
And the Beatles of course, who made it before the Stones...
We learned that three of the Beatles made it on their own:  John, George & Paul.  I just found out today, December 24, that Ringo was inducted as well.  Yeah!
We enjoyed the Beatles display area as all their albums were discussed in a video production and lasted about 35 minutes.  Really neat and a lot of these pics came from the video monitor as it rolled the film.
Above, note how happy everyone appears to be except the "home wrecker" Yoko Ono.  I don't really know if she played a large role in the breakup, but the general consensus is that she did.  Boo Hiss!
Can you tell we like the Beatles?  We play their music a lot when rolling down the highways in our motor home, or even around the campgrounds.
Hendrix and Miss Nancy checking the evolution of sound amplification and recording studio equipment display.
The Pelvis...
What I found amazing was the way these bands came up with a lot of their songs.  Just look at some of these pics and the amounts lyrics that are just written down on just about everything and even edited along the sides and in between the written lines.  Wow! 
The Eagles...above the list of songs to be performed at one of their concerts...and below a collection of hotel keys...
Sittin' on The Dock of the Bay...
Blah, Blah, Blah
They reigned Supreme(s).
And of course Michael...
And Steven Tyler...
The legend, Les Paul...

Sergeant Pepper's Lonely Heart...
He was truly a genius...
Well, that about wraps up our all-day visit to the Hall.  I didn't think I would like it as much as I really did.  There's just so much to see (and hear of course).  The exhibits are outstanding and are heavily guarded and electronically alarmed and video cameras everywhere.  I assume these displays are valuable and some are are on loan and insured I'm sure.  So, till the next blog, RVing Beach Bums signing off.  This blog was written & published from our home in Virginia Beach on Dec 24, 2014.  Merry Christmas everyone, where ever you are!

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