Thursday, September 5, 2013

Teslin to Watson Lake to Iskut

After an eventful three days in Skagway, it was moving time once again.  It was now time to head south & east for our home stretch ride to the lower 48.  But first, we had to do three overnight stops in a row before heading into Stewart-Hyder, BC-AK for three days.
First off was the 12 mile pull up the hill out of Skagway, and into the Canadian Customs some 21 miles from Skagway.  That 21 miles is marked with many rolling rock-hills and a chain of lakes on the top that formed the headwaters of a river.  Just beautiful.  However, most of that 21 mile drive was punctuated with a very dense fog.  So thick in fact that I could only drive 20 MPH most of that 21 miles.
The three overnight stops would be Teslin, Watson Lake, (second visit to each of these places, with a different RV park at Watson Lake) and finally a stop at Iskut, BC.
The fog began to lift here at the customs checkpoint.  Note one of our fifth-wheels just ahead of us. The weather did finally break and it was sunny for the rest of the day.  YEH! 
One can never get too lethargic at the wheel or as a passenger here in this part of BC or the Yukon Territory.  The scenery is just too enjoyable and you're afraid that you'll miss something, or a family of wildlife, so we just keep vigilant all the way.
So, at Teslin on the lake, a smores cookout was planned.  We built a campfire, waited for about an hour for the right embers, and most everyone were busy dipping their 'mallows into the waning flames. 
Most everyone was tired by now, after the busy days in Skagway and a 175 mile drive, so we all just wanted to relax and rest up for the next two legs of the tour.
We had a visitor overlooking our campfire.  He was no more than 50 yards away, in the top of a Fir tree.  Un-intimidated of course...
Next day it was time to head out for Watson Lake.  We stopped here on our way up the Alaska Highway earlier in the tour, but at a different RV park, very near the Sign Forest.  But this park (Baby Nugget) was about 10 miles west of the Sign Forest park.  We caught up with Sandy & Nick along the way & stopped to stretch & gab a bit.
Wagon master Ben had bought a bunch of steaks in Fairbanks, so we had us a big old cookout at Watson.  The weather was just perfect too.  Several grills were rounded up and several of us men started grilling & serving.  "Medium please"!
Later in the evening we had us a poker game.  About 20 players played a rousing & fun game of pass-the-ace.  I came in second to our Canadian friend, Dave from Ottawa.
Next day it was time to leave the Yukon Territory for the last time and head to Iskut, BC.  Along the way we stopped by an interesting little place, called the Cassiar Mountain Jade Factory.  We didn't buy anything as the $$ were just out of our expectations.
Above, John, Jay, Sharon & George.
We did a lot of window shopping and chatting, but not too much dollar-giving.  We also came across several active gold mine claims along the river.  Here is one with the large shaker-sluice combo machine.
Another nice day for driving as we stopped several times to stretch and take in yet some more of the beauty of Western Canada.  I caught this Beaver swimming along the shore of this mirror-still lake.
I also caught Nancy gazing across the lake as well.
We had a nice sit-down dinner of roast beef & halibut at the lodge, and a passing of the teddy bear to Ben, as Nancy left the previous day for her son's wedding.  So it was appropriate to give Ben a little comfort and snuggles.
Inside the lodge, there were many stuffed animals of all sizes & shapes.  Here is Bullwinkle.  Well, that about wraps up this blog as we prepare to go to breakfast here in Prince George for our farewell breakfast.  Next blog will be about our bear adventures in Stewart-Hyder.  So till then, RVing Beach Bums headed for coffee & pastries.

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