Friday, August 23, 2013

Denali National Park, Alaska Part 2

Above was the little strip shops in front of Denali Rainbow RV Village, where we stayed.  Below was across the street & river view behind the McKinley Chalets.  Behind this mountain and a little to the left, about 50 miles, is Mt McKinley.
After we returned from the bus tour we enjoyed a sit-down lasagna dinner (on picnic tables) prepared by the wagon masters (Nancy & Lisa) at the RV park.  It wasn't Carraba's mind you, but it was OK.
We had us some nice weather this day, Aug 16. 
Above, Nancy & Lisa (new replacement tail gunner for Bill & Cathy) and Paul, Lisa's hubby to the right standing.  Below, Steve & Jim giving thumbs-up on a fine day and fine gatherings with fine folks.
Here are few more pics from the bus tour thru Denali, The Great One.
Every stop thru the park was an adventure and a story, not to mention photo ops.
Below, Nancy & your's truly...
Above, wagon master Ben giving a rendition of the bus driver's instructions as to what to do with each box that was passed up & down the aisle of the bus.  Long story!  Below, Sammy reading one of her poems from the past place of visitation.
Above, Ben & Nancy listening to questions at the trip log meeting for the next day's drive to Fairbanks.  Below was a pic of the Alaska Railroad daily train from Fairbanks to Anchorage, stopping at the Denali Station about a mile to the left.
We could have spent days here...
Next day we went back to the park, bought some souveniers & books and went to the dogs, literally.  Below is a picture board of the current sled dogs at the park.  They pull the sleds during the winter months for the ranger patrols in the park.  And do they they ever love it.  Wow!
Here are some pics.  I would place a video on here to share with you the dogs unbelievable energy & excitement of being selected for the demo this day, but it is just too much bytes for most folks to open.  So, I'll share some pics & hopefully you'll get a sense of what we witnessed.
When the ranger/mushers appear from the cabin to the left, you cannot here anything except 30 dogs begging/barking to be picked.  And a cloud of dust at their houses from their excitement.
Above, coming down the homestretch of the demo.  They parked the dogs & sled in front of our stands.  I guess there were a hundred folks or so there this day, including some from our caravan.
Above, me & Nancy "mushing"...the dogs are groomed clean and their kennels were very clean with very little odor...
Here are some of our fellow caravan'ers...
Below, the pic shows about half of the stands...
After the demo (and before as well) the dogs just relax and find a shady spot to lay & sleep.  Remeber, they love the cold...
That evening we had us a nice sit-down dinner (salmon  ribs) at the Alaska Cabin Nite Club.  Below, our folks waiting for the doors to open.
And open they did, with a song & dance on the front porch...nice...Below and far right was Harry, our waiter & my confidant during the'll see why a little later...
I was picked to be part of their skit...a stranger being shot by Sheriff MacGrew from one of Robert Service's poems, played out here...Below I'm being coached by Harry on my lines...with my gold poke and six shooter.
After being shot & killed in front of the fireplace, it was off to the stage to be revived...and boy was I ever...
This gal really did revive me...:-)
And of course they thanked me for my services...
After the dinner show, we went back into the park, as it stays light till 11 or so at night up here, we took in more sights...
Here are a few and then I'll close the blog..
Well, that about wraps up our Denali visit.  What memories...Till the next time, RVing Beach Bums from Tok, AK, and in a hurry to leave here this morning...

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