Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Rocky Mountain National Park Day 1

Where do we begin?  RMNP is so large, it would take a week to see most of it, that is the parts that are accessible by road.  We just can't go on those long day hikes or overnighters as a lot of folks do to see the details of the Park.  But oh my, one can see plenty from the vantage points of the roads throughout the Park.
We arrived Thursday, Jun 27, & camped for three nights at the Elk Lodge & RV Resort in Estes Park, CO.  Elk, for good reason.  Every evening a herd of them invaded the RV park.

The first afternoon, after a bite to eat, we drove up to Bear Lake.
Bear Lake!  The road to this place is about 6 miles long from Beaver Falls Visitor Center, and is under construction.  Access from 9 to 4 is by bus only.  So we waited till 4 and took off.  Nice!  We walked around the lake, a short, easy stroll of a half mile.  Elevation is around 8K, so we strolled.  Nancy above is taking a viewing rest.  Here are a few of the Bear Lake pics.
Nancy liked the texture of the new growth needles. 
The mosquitos were out & aggressive, so we drove out of the parking at the lake and headed back to the RV park. 
This was a view on the way back...there are many views such as this that we would experience over the next three days.  We just didn't want to leave so soon.  But the wagons must stay pointed to Coeur d' Alene for our roundup on July 8.
We stopped this little lake near Bear Lake and saw all these fly fisherman.  There was a guide/instructor apparently teaching the art of fly fishing.
Well, not everybody was interested in fly fishing.
Yep!  The water is cold!
Note Amy Grant's generosity.
From Wiki:  The area is named after Abner Sprague, who started a homestead there in 1874.[3] Later, he opened a lodge for dude ranching, hunting, and fishing. To improve the fishing, he dammed the far end of the lake. The area became part of Rocky Mountain National Park in 1915, and continued to serve guests as the Sprague Hotel. In 1919, guests paid $6.00 per room with a private bath, and $1.00 for regular meals.[4][5] The hotel, which no longer exists, stood near the present day parking lot.
Just below Moraine Park Visitor Center (which is closed) is this large grass meadow which is the home for a very large herd of elk.  There walking in the rushing stream and then laying down in the tall grass.
This one posed for Nancy.
Here is one climbing out of the stream after a cool drink and cooling off it's legs.
Momma & baby wondering what all the folks were looking at....
Well, it's about 8 in the evening and time leave for now and head back to the RV.  I'll have more about RMNP in our next blog.  Till then, RVing Beach Bums...

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