Sunday, July 14, 2013

Calgary Stampede Extravaganza, July 12

OK, right after the chuck wagon races ended Friday evening, it was time for the big eight-wheeled John Deere to pull out the gigantic stage for the Extravaganza Show.  This show was the crowning entertainment event for the end of the Stampede fetivities.  Sure, there were the finals of all the big rodeo events still to be settled Sat & Sun, but this was THE SHOW for the greater number of audiences.
Now, I must announce that the photos (most of them) taken at the show were with the available light only, and holding the camera still for objects that far away was a real challenge.  So, with that disclaimer out of the way, enjoy the show! 
The Young Canadians put on quite a set of song & dance compilations.  We were entertained, and they looked as if they really enjoyed themselves.  Nice!
That large portable stage snuggled right up against the permanent stage and was leveled perfectly for a seamless large platform for the performances.
Suspended high above the audience & stage were these four cable lifts and they were used several times throughout the two week festivities, included tonight.
The stage was lit up many times with various light shows, laser beams, fire blasts and fireworks.
These two high-flying acrobats are brothers, and they performes without a safety net.  Amazing feat of stupidity!  Courage I guess would be more appropriate.
We all just held our breath and were hoping it would end soon before their hands got too sweaty, and, well, you get the thought!
From Beijeng, China, the Pole People.  Wow!  More acrobats.
Remember in my previous blog I mentioned "if the weather holds out"?  Well, KISS was welcomed with a rain shower.  Bummer!  But they played on.  Rock & Roll All Nite & Party All Day Long was their song of choice.
Singing in the rain...several performers were in rain, as the shower lasted for about 30 minutes, flooding the stage...
Here are few other pics from the Extravaganza.
Marc Martel high above the crowd...scary!
More of the Young Canadians...
It rained hardest during the Kiss performance...real troopers for finishing...these guys are as old as we are I think!
This guy's crazy!
And there were these mechanical wonders high above the stage being operated by two brave?? men in each.  They just floated above the audience and drifted around for about 7 minutes or so, their legs pumping like bicycles which in turn made the mechanical giants appear to be galloping.
Just part of the large crowd (sell out I learned later) on hand for the evening's events.  And all 46 of our group including Paul & Lisa, head wagon masters, and other Fantasy RV wagon masters as well.  The evening was enjoyed by all, allbeit the rain showers interruption.  It was almost midnight before the show ended, and then it was a rush to the Earle Town Station C-Train for the 15 minute ride back to our homes on wheels at McMahon Stadium north west of the Stampede grounds.  Today, Sunday, we head to Heritage Historical Park.  So, our next blog will provide that visit.  Till then, RVing Beach Bums.

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