Saturday, June 22, 2013

Austin's Graduation

Upon leaving Dade Battlefield Park in Bushnell, FL, we scampered on home to Virginia Beach to unload a few things and to visit with our daughter Natalie, Omoni & the Grands.  We spent about two weeks there, and headed for  Alexandria, VA to spend a couple of days there with our other daughter, Jennifer, Pete and the Grands.
Our timing for being there (on our way to the US Open in Philadelphia) was good in that we had the memorable pleasure of attending a graduation:  Austin graduating from kindergarten.
All the parents were asked to join there new graduates on stage, so Pete & Jen complied. (in the center)
Austin recited from memory a Bible verse from Psalms (49:6 I think, but not sure) and others did as well.  As you have guessed, the school was Christian.
Ali, little sister, taking it all in.
Why are you crying Mommy?
Proud parents, and they should be.  Austin has come a long way in his short 5 year life.  He is a brilliant & good looking young man (takes after PopPop). 
I was able to snap off several photos while they were all on stage, as I knew they would be keepsake heirlooms one day for Pete & Jen, as they are now for us.
And this is perhaps my best "chance" moment photo.  How gratifying can a photo capture a moment in history?  Awesome.  Good job Austin.
The culmination:  Receiving his medal & diploma.
Nice sanctuary for the ceremony...
Ali joining Austin at the reception in the auditorium...
Time for a cookie & a water...
Nice touch:  The certificate & a personal Bible & a photo with the head teacher/principal...
And here she is with Austin; his favorite teacher...(can't remember her name, my apologies Jen)
And to celebrate the event, a couple of rounds of mini-golf for everyone...
Austin:  How can you putt putt from up there?
And if there wasn't enough excitement already, how about a weekly stint with the Tae Kwon Doh class?  Wow, where do these kids get all their energy?
We enjoyed a cookout at Jen's and a little practice throwing the old baseball around the sandlot. had a little batting practice too; and Ali just couldn't get the concept of the hitting tee & what it was for  :-)  (Ali, the glove goes on the other hand) I just remembered:  She's left-handed, so perhaps it is on the right (er, left) hand, sorry!
Just beyond the backyard campfire (actually burning old mail and addressed documentation) Austin awaits an errant throw from Pop Pop.  I just can't seem to hit the mitt as good as I once could.  :-(  (It never really was that good to begin with)
While in Alexandria, we camped at the Pohick Regional Park, on the Potomac.  And as luck might have it, we just happened to be there for a 17 year event:  The hatch/arrival of the Cicadas.  Have you ever heard a million or two Cicadas try to harmonize?  Outer Limits I tell ya.
This one is a mere skeleton of himself.  (Sorry, but had to do it)
Well, that about does it for the stay at Jen's house and the fun time there, even if it was only two days.  Now it's on to Amish country and the US Open golf tournament at Merion Golf Course in Ardmore, PA. We will volunteer there for a week, then head west.  I write this blog from the Walmart RV Resort (parking lot) in Champaign, IL and it is Saturday morning, June 22.  Till the next blog, RVing Beach Bums.

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