Thursday, March 21, 2013

Flywheelers At Sebring, FL

Nancy posing in front of a giant redwood from California.  The tree was hollowed out and was made into a home.  It was used for years late in the 1800's and now tours the country for others to enjoy & marvel at one of the largest tree species in the world.  We didn't go in as they wanted a "donation".
We drove to Sebring and met my Sister Debbie & her husband Walter.  Above is Walt, Nancy & Debbie enjoying the parade of vintage & unusual vehicles.
Here are a few of the entries into that parade.
I did say unusual...
The parade was just an interlude to the entirety of the day's events.  Luckily Walt had a golf cart reserved for the day, so we were able to view the sights all day in the comfort of a cart & driver.  :-)
There were probably at least a thousand other carts in the large Flywheelers Park complex.  So we had to be careful about where we aimed this thing.
One of the buildings had an exhibit of hand made wooden artifacts.  Nancy above is looking in amazement at a roller coaster.
A merry-go-round...
A Ferris wheel...
And a whole room of artifacts...neat!
On the complex there is a Village of old buildings (reconstructed or relocated) and many exhibits of old antiques from days-gone-by.  Nice!  But they were way before my time!
Now I ask:  How many people have ever seen a two-story outhouse?  I don't think I'd be interested in using the lower facility.
Here are a few pics from the Village and the many antiques..
The real reason the Flywheelers put the annual event on, is highlight a brand of tractors, old & new.  Most of the displays are of vintage years, although I did not get many pics of the tractors.  Trust me when I tell you there were hundreds of them there.  This year the theme was Farmall tractors, and Walt has about a hundred of them himself back in Oregonia that he rebuilds & tinkers with.  One of them even has a hemi, Big John.  Let me see if I can dig out a pic of Big John.
Well, well, look what I found:  A pic of Big John and the proud Father, Walt!
One of the neat demonstrations for me was the sawmill.  They put through about 50 of these pine logs over the few days of the show.  I found it most interesting.
There were many exhibits & demonstrations going on all over the complex.  Here, a chainsaw carver displays some of his works.  Pretty amazing.
It was a very warm day, and it made business at the home made ice cream kiosk a popular place.  I couldn't resist.  I had a IBS root beer float.  Yummy!  And it did me in.  Not used to such high doses of sugar. 
Well, it was a full day of looking at a lot of stuff, including many rows of flea market vendors.  We enjoyed our time with my Sis & Binlaw.  I was glad they were able to get of the cold and away from the humdrum of home routines.  And the sad events of Nov/Dec were a distant memory for both of us as we try to march forward in time.  Well, that about does it for this blog.  The Flywheeler show was late February and this blog was written Mar 21 from Bushnell, FL  So, till our next blog, Joe & Nancy.

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