Friday, June 29, 2012

Sequoia/Kings Canyon NP

This is our second visit to Sequoia (Kings Canyon side of the National Park) as we were here in February when we were camped at Lake Kaweah.  However, this side of the Park, Kings Canyon Road was closed because of landslides and deep snow.  It was much warmer this trip however, and in a strange way, less aesthetic.  I think the snow in February added an element of beauty that really gave highlight to the giant trees.  Anyway, we did take take a lot of pics, Nancy too, with her new Sony camera.  It takes beautiful pics, as good as my Nikons I believe.
 We drove thru this stump field of long-downed giants from the early 20th century.  So sad.  Look at the size of these behemoths.  See my hat above, to get some perspective.
Kings River Canyon
 Up close and personal of the Kings River, on our way to the Cedar Grove, and Road's End.
 Below, Grizzly Falls, about 3 miles from Cedar Grove.
 Did I say awesome yet?
 Below, Roaring River Falls, about a mile from Cedar Grove, Road's End.
 I could have just sat there for an hour.
 In a different way, or perhaps category maybe, I think Kings Canyon, if you consider the whole 36 mile drive, is just as breath taking & awesome as the Grand Canyon.
 I just can't think of any words.
 Nancy could've sat there for an hour at the falls.
 Not sure what the flowering tree/shrub is along side of the Kings River, across the road from the Grizzly Falls.
 We could hardly drive a mile on the road before we had to stop and take some pics.  You just want to take so many pics, because you never want to forget what this place looks like.  The road is closed about six months every year because of rock/land slides and nasty weather.
 We recipricated the courtesy of taking a pic of a young Asian couple on vacation, probably their honeymoon, who knows.
Did I say awesome yet?
 I'm exhausted!...from taking pictures!
 Panoramic Point is a short drive behind the Kings Canyon Visitor's center, about 3-4 miles up the hill at the edge of the great canyon.
 Awesome!   Oh, I think I said that already.  :))
 Hey, leave me alone, I'm dreaming!
Oh, just down the street about a half-mile is Grant's Grove, of giant Sequoias.  We did spend a little time walking around the Giants again, as we did in Feb, but the Canyon was just too inviting and beautiful, and it took us nearly all day to view and enjoy it.  Lord willing, we'll return here again.
So, till the next time, Joe & Nancy, The RVing Beach Bums.

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