Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Great Smoky Mountains NP #3

 This cabin was in the Roaring Fork drive above Gatlinburg. Here is a clip from the NP website: The narrow, winding, Roaring Fork Motor Nature Trail invites you to slow down and enjoy the forest and historic buildings of the area. The 6-mile-long, one-way, loop road is a favorite side trip for many people who frequently visit the Smokies. It offers rushing mountain streams, glimpses of old-growth forest, and a number of well-preserved log cabins, grist mills, and other historic buildings.  You can see the rain again.  Ugh!
 All these pics are from our drive down the Roaring Fork Nature Drive.

 This was one of the more modern cabins (house?) in the Park (Nature Drive). It was near the end of the drive.
Above, part of Fontana Lake on the NC/TN border, just above Fontana Village.
 Have you ever heard of the Tail of the Dragon? It's on US129 in NC just above Fontana Lake.  Here is a clip from a website.  The road has 318 curves in 11 miles, is America's number one motorcycle and sports car road. The nearby CHEROHALA SKYWAY is quickly becoming number two with its remote 60 miles of scenic mountain highway. We went on that too.  I will share the pics from that drive in my next blog.  These two "bike riders" were professionals.  They went at unbelievable speeds passing us on our way to this spot.  I mean very fast.  They had these knee pads that were dragging in the curves making sparks as they turned & leaned left & right.  Quite a show, but very dangerous as there was lots of traffic on this beautiful Sunday afternoon.
 Yoe have to look carefully, but both these guys took off and left on ONE wheel, all the way around that curve about a quarter mile away.
 I hate to get power lines in my pics, but sometimes you just can't help it.
OK, that's about it for this blog, as I will now get on with my next one and it will include our pics from the Cherohala Skyway drive we took.  It was quite a contrast from the valley to high above in the clouds, literally.  So, till then, RVing Beach Bums.

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