Saturday, October 22, 2011

Montpelier-Barre, Vt at the Walmart

We drove most all the day Monday (9/26) and drove into the Walmart parking lot around 5 in the afternoon.  We did a search for a suitable RV Park and found none.  As it turned out, we were here for three nights.  Didn't intend, but my new laptop consumed a Trojan Horse and bellied up on me.  So off to the local PC geek hangout for a thorough purge and virus scan.  It took all day but was finally finished 24 hours later.
On the second day in Vermont, we drove up to Waterbury and guess what found?  Ben & Jerry's, which doesn't even belong to them anymore, since '04.  They sold out to a big firm by an offer that couldn't be refused.  The same company that owns Breyers.  Another one of my favorite snacks.  We did the factory tour and got out free sample of the day, peanut butter-caramel.  Awful rich!  This is a small plant.  Most of their ice cream is produced in Nevada and Pennsylvania.  Below is a beatiful maple tree in their parking lot late in the day.
Just up the road from Waterbury is the quaint little town (aren't all the towns in Vermont little & quaint?) of Stowe.  We stopped at an apple produce farm and picked up some Stayman apples, some cider donuts and a quart of what else but Vermont Maple syrup.  After that stopover, we drove up to the Von Trapp Lodge, about a 30m drive from Waterbury.  Above & below are a couple of pics of the rustic but modern alpine-looking lodge.  It's still run by the family.
The next day we wanted to do a little exploring and look for a few covered bridges.  During our day trip, we discovered some unexpected tragedies left by Irene, the hurricane that passed thru here in late August or early Sept.  Above and below are a couple of pics from that devastation.
 Many of the rivers & streams in Vermont were literally changed overnight by the downpour of 10" of rain.  Many houses and property was destroyed.  We were astonished and saddened for the folks of Vermont. 
A lot of the beauty was also lost for leaf-peepers as well, but we did manage to take in another day trip or two before we left. Below are a few of Vermont's scenes we took in.
 Below, another of one of the many covered bridges that were damaged or destroyed.
 Above an old building down State Street a block from the Capital.  Below is the Capital.  It is a rather small capital building, but neat and lovely.  The grounds were manicured smartly with a variety of flowers up the walkway to the steps. 
 Above & below are a few pics of some steeples around the downtown area (which is relatively small as well).  Vermont is known for it's steeples I'm told by Nancy!
Here are a few more from the downtown area..

 Looking up State Street north towards the Capital.  Below is one of Montpelier's finest taking in the evening cool crisp evening.
 Above and below are a few pics fromSmuggler's Notch.  This was a very steep & winding narrowpiece of road just north of the Stowe Resort area.  It was cold and windy.
 Below, a tree is rooted on a rock.
 Above & below, part of the Stowe Resort.  In about six weeks, this place will be full of life with the winter sports folks.  For me, I'll take the warm climate of Phoenix.

So, thus ends our journey to Vermont.  On Thursday morning we left Montpelier and headed for Saratoga Springs, NY.  And what a ride this turned out to be.  I'll share it with you in our next blog.  Till then, Joe & Nancy.


1 comment:

  1. Great pictures. Did you get a chance to go into the state capitol? My wife and I just started to visit all the capitol buildings. We have 3 down and 47 to go. There's even a book to collect stamps from each capitol. Who knew?
