Sunday, October 2, 2011

Acadia National Park, Maine

So, after our time at Minute Man NP early Saturday morning (9/17), we left the Boston area and headed for Maine.  (Nancy nick-named me Minute Man too  :-))  What would a trip to Maine (up I-95) be without stopping by L.L. Bean in Freeport?  We did a little window shopping and went through some of the outlets and then walked through the giant retail store of L.L. Bean.  Wow!  They got everything, including prices out of our reach.  We spent the night in the parking lot of the Hilton Garden Inn.  We got up Sunday morning and started out for Great Pond, Maine.  Where?
 Along the way to Great Pond, we stopped in at this lobster pound in Lincolnville.  We didn't have any lobster, but we did have a bowl of lobster stew.  Boy is that stuff rich.  Almost made us both sick.
 We made it to Great Pond and set up camp as we were going to be here for a few days.  Great Pond is a military famcamp, in the middle of no where.  It is about 30 miles from Bangor, and about 45 miles from Bar Harbor.  I have a few pics from there a little later in this blog.  But first, some Acadia NP and Cadillac Mountain.  What a pretty, but cool day, up on the mountain.  Just take in the panorama.  Note the cruise ship down in Bar Harbor.  It was huge!
Note there is no "r" in Acadia.
 We took full advantage of the beautiful fall day and explored as much of the park as we could in one day.  We actually spent another day in another part of the park, over across the bay from Bar Harbor.
 Nice big beach area.  Water was cold though.  Didn't see anyone go in.
 There's always things to build with sand buckets and shovels.  Oh the imagination of a two-year old!
 The blue sky was just spectacular and bright sunshine made the diamonds in the water sparkle.
 Birch trees everywhere.  They make great campfire wood as they catch fire quick and burn quicker than pine.
Above, Nancy walking down to a rugged shoreline, and Thunder Rock, which didn't make much thunder at all as the tide was low.
 To the right and below is Thunder Rock.
 Below is a closer view of the Rock.  I did manage to catch a little back splash from a wave.
 Rugged coastline.
 Down at the Hole looking back up the steps.
 Was able to catch a few native plants in all their glory.
 More of the rugged coastline.
 Below, Nancy taking in some of the awesome views.
 We drove back to Bar Harbor via the Mountain and had some lunch at a little place with a view of the harbor.
 Below, Nancy caught me with my lobster bib on.  Yep, had me a lobster.  Yummy, but oh so rich.  It was just a little "pounder".
 The next few pics were taken over on the other side of Bar Harbor still in the NP.
 A small lobster fleet at rest.
 Under the bridge, we caught this rush of the incoming tide filling the landward bay.
 We are standing on Scooner Summit in the Park, and behind Nancy across the bay is Bar Harbor, looking southwest.
 This is looking northwest and way down there below us is an old coast guard lighthouse and living quarters on the island.
 Above is the office/rec hall for Great Pond famcamp.  It is a very nice rec hall, large with a wood stove that had a fire in it every morning, and had a lot of things that could be rented for activities on the lake.
 The evening before we left was a cool peaceful evening, but weather was moving in.
 Above, the little pier/dock where the boats were tied off.  Note the fall colors beginning to make their presence.  Below, weather had moved in overnight and it was beginning to rain.  Just in time for driving to New Hampshire.  Great!
And so it's time to bid farewell to Acadia, Great Pond and beautiful State of Maine.  I could spend a month up here as there is just so much to take in.  But on we go to New Hampshire, the Granite State, and Live Free or Die State.  Till then, RVing Beach Bums.

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