Thursday, September 15, 2011

We've had a Nice Long Summer...

As you can readily view, our last blog was about our time at the US Open in Bethesda, MD.  Well, since then we have covered a lot of ground, which served as "bookends" for a stint at our home in Virginia Beach.  After the Open was over, we left Cherry Hill RV Resort in College Park, MD and drove the short distance down to Andrews Air Force Base FAMCAMP, just across the Potomac River from Alexandria, VA near Marlow Heights, MD.
But before I blog about our time there, I want to provide my readers with some pics of our family that was able to join us during our stay at Cherry Hill RV Resort, as they joined us for nice long weekend right after the Open ended.  Here are a few pics of Alexandra (Ali).  Ali is the second child for Pete & Jen, our daughter and they reside in Alexandria, VA.
 "Pop-Pop" and Ali
 Pete & Ali
Here are a couple of pics from the pool area...
 Grandma & Austin, Ali's big brother
 Do you think she likes the water?
 Pete, Jen, Austin, Ali

 Here are a few pics from the campsite at Cherry Hill.  Above is Maile, Austin and Margaret
 And here is Maxwell & Austin giving Pop-Pop his Father's Day cards and gifts.  Maxwell, Maile, Margaret and Mason are our second daughter's (Natalie) children.
 Card reading
Reflection time, wearing my #1 Grandpa hat...
 Margaret, Austin & Max above and below me holding Ali
 Below, Max, Austin, Margie and Mason, playing in ther gravel.
 Below, a "ham" greater tham me, Ali...
Above, Jen, Ali & Nat at the pool; below, Nat & Mason
 Above, Ali "crabbing" on her way to learning to walk...below, Margie & Maile
 Above, Austin with a not-so-happy face; below Austin (happy face) Grandma & Ali
 Above, best friends and cousins Austin & Max; below, time for a wagon ride around the camp.
 So, there you have our last few days at Cherry Hill RV Park with our family.  It was fun time for all, and we thouroughly enjoyed making memories for our children, and grandchildren.  And you know something:  We made memories for us too.  Our next blog will be about our time at Andrews Air Force Base and the July 4 time with our family again.  Till then, Joe & Nancy, RVing Beach Bums 


  1. Looks like a healthy and happy family...looking forward to more stories of your adventures!
