Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Grand Teton NP Jackson, WY

I guess we should have realized after just visiting Yellowstone, that GTNP wasn't going to be much better.  So, we were a little disappointed to see all this snow still on the ground.  Even at the visitor's center, there snow all around.  And the farther we drove north, say, to Jenny Lake, it got deeper and deeper.  The above photo was around Jenny Lake.  Three feet of snow.
And, it was cool, around 55, and overcast, not too breezy.  So we were able to get out and see some of the snow shrouded Tetons.  They are unique mountains.  One of our first stops was Mormon Row. 
From Wiki:  Mormon Row is a line of homestead complexes along the Jackson-Moran Road near the southeast corner of Grand Teton National Park, in the valley called Jackson Hole. The rural historic landscape's period of significance includes the construction of the Andy Chambers, T.A. Moulton and John Moulton farms from 1908 to the 1950s. Six building clusters and a separate ruin illustrate Mormon settlement in the area and comprise such features as drainage systems, barns, fields and corrals.[2][3] Apart from John and T.A. Moulton, other settlers in the area were Joseph Eggleston, Albert Gunther, Henry May, Thomas Murphy and George Riniker.[4]
Small stream runs right through the Row.
From Wiki:  Menor's Ferry was a river ferry that crossed the Snake River near the present-day Moose, Wyoming. The site was homesteaded by Bill Menor in 1892-94, choosing a location where the river flowed in a single channel, rather than the braided stream that characterizes its course in most of Jackson Hole. During the 1890s it was the only homestead west of the river. Menor's homestead included a five-room cabin, a barn, a store, sheds and an icehouse on 148 acres (60 ha), irrigated by a ditch from Cottonwood Creek and at times supplemented by water raised from the Snake River by a waterwheel.[2] Menor operated the ferry until 1918, selling to Maude Noble, who continued operations until 1927, when a bridge was built at Moose.  Here a few pics of the Menor buildings and ferry works.  The next pic is his house which was built in three phases.
The old privy on the Snake River.
Looking at the west side of the ferry landing.
The replica pulley system.
Standing on the east side looking west across the Snake.
Here a couple of pics of the replica ferry boat, which could a wagon and several horses/riders.

Caught this Golden Eagle in the tree top.  He had just chased a rabbit across the barn yard but the rabbit ran under one of the buildings I think, and the eagle will just have to wait till he comes out again.
This buffalo had an itch that the log was satisfying apparantly.
Beaver house up around the Jenny Lake area.
And here are a few pics of the Tetons from the Jenny Lake area.
So, at the Menor Ferry, there was this big stack of firewood and we "borrowed" a few pieces and made us a fire back at the Jackson Hole RV Park (which we were disappointed in, don't stay there) and roasted us some marshmallows.  The lady (Dorothy Heim from Washington State) from the Airstream next door stopped by to enjoy the camp fire and chat for a while.
Well, our time in the Tetons were limited, mostly because the snow on the ground prevented us from staying longer and going to other parts north in the park.  We did stop by the visitor's center and viewed he exhibits and the 22 minute neat film.  So, guess we'll close for now and head for Casper, Wyoming in the morning, after church and lunch.  Till then, RVing Beach Bums.


  1. It's almost June. Is snow on the ground normal for this time of year? Heck, it's in the 90's here and that's below normal.

    A Arizona Holiday

  2. The first time we where in Rocky Montain NP in was in june, on the 7th I think...and they just oppened the park roads. We could see all the snow from the side of the road, it was about 20 feet! But it was soooo nice! The second time we where there was in september years later and no snow. I liked it better with the snow. I guess it is normal to have so much snow in the mountains at this time of the year.

  3. Neat pictures! You saw lots of wildlife! I have only ever been there in late July/August and it looks alot different then.

  4. the Tetons are indeed Grand!..hard to believe that there is still so much snow!!

  5. No matter what the weather, it is a beautiful place!

  6. We would have welcomed being there in the snow -- for a day or three, maybe. We've really only been to the Tetons in summery weather. We had never been to Mormon Row and those old buildings, etc. Thanks for showing us a place to visit next time! WHen we lived in Butte, MT which is not all that far away weather-wise, snow was quite prominent in the area for long periods. We'd get our first snow storm on Labor Day weekend, and the last one on Memorial Day.
