Saturday, January 8, 2011

Seven Days and Counting...January 8, 2011

So, here I sit counting the days till me and my bride depart Virginia Beach for points west.  (It would be difficult to go east from here in our RV.)  My last day at the office (Northrop Grumman) will be January 14.   Nancy will hang on for a while in a part-time status doing about half of her normal routine while we are on the road.  We're hoping that they can use her the rest of this year.  

Our golf association, NORSHIPCO Golf Association (NGA), which I am currently the President, has an outing scheduled for January 15, but I'm not sure I'll make it.  It will depend a lot on the weather, as to whether I play or fire up the Diplomat and head out of Dodge.

I am cleaning up some things in the basement and generally preparing the house for a layup of about 6 to 8 months, even though our daughter Natalie and her family will be moving in and occupying our house while we go RVing.  I want the house to be livable for them but putting some things away and out of reach of the grand children is highly recommended.

This is our first post to our new web/blogsite, RVing Beach Bums, and as you can see, I have a lot of work to do as I blossom this site into a more inviting and personable experience for those who will be calling on us in the coming months.  We hope to add daily blogs and many photos of our RV travels as we venture to California and back between now and mid-July.  My trusty Navigator (Nancy) will get us there and back and many places in between.

So, come along on our journey and we'll share our experiences with each of you.  I'll set up email links and photo albums later as we begin our journey.  So, sit back and enjoy the ride with us.

Your friends, Joe & Nancy

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