Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Pebble Beach AT&T ProAm, Tuesday

Joe & Nancy next to the 18th green

We were up early this morning and headed out for the Pebble Beach Golf Links for our first day of volunteering at the AT&T National Pro-Am.  It was really bright all day, but cool (mid fifties) and windy. But that was ok, cause most of the country was in round 9 of bad weather.  Today was a practice round for the pros and at 1:30 there was a shootout between some former and current San Fancisco 49ers and Giants. 

 Mike Krukow (Giants) & Jerry Rice (49ers)

Nancy was a hole marshal and kinda hung out on holes 4 & 17 most of the day until the players passed and she "slinkyed" over to 18 for the final hole.  The charity shootout was played on only 5 holes, 1-3 and 17-18.  I kinda lucked out.  Early in the morning at the volunteer's tent, the committee chairman came in and asked if anyone had US Open experience.  I raised my hand and he asked would I like to be a team captain for the day.  I said sure, why not.  So, what did I get myself into now?  I got to drive around in a golf cart all day delivering water and other volnteers to their respective holes they were marshaling.  It was a tough job.  I mean the sun was so bright and the reflection off of Monterey Bay just made it all the more challenging.  But you know, someone had to step up to the plate and raise their hand.

Matt Cain (Giants)

 Jerry & Dwight Clark

Cody Ross (Giants) World Series hero

High-fives all around

Mike Krukow with a delicate pitch at 18

Looking back down the 18th fairway towards the tee

What a beautiful day we had on one of the most picturesque & famous golf courses in the world.  And we get to do this for five more days and the forecast is for more of the same old weather:  mid sixties and real bright sunlight.  I will need to get back to the motor home and get a massage and some bengay on my wrists and arms as driving that golf cart all day has just wore me out. 

And Nancy?  She was on her feet all day.  She's doing just fine.  :-))  until next time, Joe & Nancy


  1. Looks like a cool job alright but like you said, somebody's got to do it:)) I'm assuming there are pebbles on that beach....

  2. nice gig!!..good for you both!..have fun with it!

  3. Now is the kind of volunteer job I would be interested in!
